DFAT delegation visits Flavourtech’s headquarters
1 September 2023
Flavourtech were honoured to host a delegation from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) at our headquarters in Griffith last week. As a regional business exporting to over 60 countries around the world, Flavourtech’s success is of interest to DFAT in helping them understand current business and economic situations for key regions and sectors of the Australian economy.
The delegation’s visit included a tour of Flavourtech’s manufacturing facilities and pilot plant and was particularly focused around current international trade challenges. Flavourtech’s Leadership Team gave the delegation an insight into trade disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and problems in accessing overseas markets as well as logistics and supply chain challenges.

The DFAT delegation with members of Flavourtech’s Leadership Team
Flavourtech would like to thank Litonya Shallcross (Assistant Director, Trade Advocacy Section, DFAT), Stephen Di Lorenzo (Assistant Director, Trade Advocacy Section, DFAT), Nicole Steinweg (Business Liaison Officer, NSW State Office, DFAT) and William Robison (Tradestart/Senior Export Advisor, Investment NSW) for their visit and for taking the time to understand the challenges and advantages of being a regional exporter.